This is a 60 hour course which can be completed in a span of 4 weeks (Weekday Courses) and 8 weeks (Weekend courses).
As it is a more advanced level, the course content is developed for students to achieve the B1 level of proficiency according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference).
Course Features
You will master all tenses of past subjunctive.
You will master the flow of speech in present subjunctive and be able to distinguish when to use past subjunctive.
You will be equipped to manage real time situations where the language in spoken with ease.
You will be equipped to make coherent and relatively fluent conversation with native speakers on topics of your general and personal interest.
You can include Spanish into your daily routine by familiarising yourself with famous literary works from Spanish speaking countries, as well as participate in cultural events and presentations to be more familiar with Hispanic culture.
Uses of Subjunctive, Irregular forms of subjunctive,
Expressing wishes, hopes, possibilities and feelings
Give orders and opinions, Knowledge about festivals in the Hispanic world
Conditional tense and uses with subjunctive, future and conditional,
Express future plans, Travel and tourism
Imperfect in subjunctive mode, Contrast of tenses and modes,
Conditional sentences, Hypothetical situations,
Express potential situations, Medicine and illness
Past perfect in subjunctive mode
Review of subjunctive tenses and uses
On completion of the Diploma Avanzado course (Level B1), you will obtain the Hispania Diploma corresponding to your achievement of level B1.
The minimum percentage to obtain the certification is 50% and is essential in order to proceed to the next level course. However, it is advisable to achieve a minimum of 60-65% to attain a good proficiency and a sound understanding of this level.
All trainers for this course are certified instructors with years of experience who undergo rigorous internal training under our Teachers Training Programme. The trainers are well versed with the course content, use multimedia tools to deliver the classes, and include a cultural focus during the course to give you an accurate representation of the Spanish speaking world.
The course is intended for students who have cleared the previous level with a minimum of 50% although it is recommended to obtain 65% or more.
For participants who have studied Spanish before (with us or outside) and have a gap of 6 months or more between levels, they must undertake a level-test in order for us to determine if their proficiency is appropriate to join this level.
While starting this course it is recommended that the student be regularly in touch with the language through social media, movies or other form of socialisation to refresh and maintain previously acquired skills. Our instructors are facilitators for participants to learn new vocabulary and grammar structures and active participation coupled with a proactive attitude is very important.
Batch Code | Course | Start/End Date | Time | Days | Action |
BatchNo-2495 | Hispania Cinco - B1 | 03/02/2025 10/03/2025 |
10:00:00 AM -To- 1:00:00 PM | Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu | Select |
BatchNo-2499 | Hispania Cinco - B1 | 17/02/2025 24/03/2025 |
2:00:00 PM -To- 5:00:00 PM | Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu | Select |