
Hispania Cuatro

Duration:60 Hours


This course marks the beginning of the Intermediate Module.

This course is a 60 hour course which can be completed in a span of 4 weeks (Weekday Courses) and 8 weeks (Weekend courses).

On successful completion of this level (B1.1), you will be familiar with advanced structures and be able to communicate with more fluency.

Course Features

On successful completion of this course, you will be familiar with advanced structures and able to speak fluently at an intermediate level of proficiency but will require more practice to master newly learned concepts.

You will understand main idea when the speech is clear at normal speed about familiar topics that take place on working place, in the school, at home or leisure time.

You will be equipped to handle the language to make bookings, place orders, change reservations, etc to suit your needs. You will be able to comprehend conversations better and may begin reading news and books, watching Spanish movies with subtitles to improve your grasp of real time speech and the nuances of the language.


  • Present Subjunctive, Uses of subjunctive

  • Express wish and suggestions, Express remorse

  • Express prohibition and give permission, Offer opinions

  • Subjunctive tense for expressing doubt and possibilities,

  • Expression of emotions, Using Cuando+subjunctive,

  • Continuous form of subjunctive, Subjunctive and conditional sentences

  • Express complaints and suggestions for something done in the past, Cultural differences

  • Conditional tense, Express possibilities in future, Express nostalgia, Discuss holidays

  • Past Perfect in subjunctive mode, Express and discuss superstitions

On completion of the Diploma Pre-Avanzado course (Level B1.1), you will obtain the Hispania Diploma corresponding to your achievement of level B1.1.

The minimum percentage to obtain the certification is 50%  and is essential in order to proceed to the next level course. However, it is advisable to achieve a minimum of 60-65% to attain a good proficiency and a sound understanding of this level.

All trainers for this course are certified instructors with years of experience who undergo rigorous internal training under our Teachers Training Programme. The trainers are well versed with the course content, use multimedia tools to deliver the classes, and include a cultural focus during the course to give you an accurate representation of the Spanish speaking world.

The course is intended for students who have cleared the previous level with a minimum of 50% although it is recommended to obtain 65% or more.

For participants who have studied Spanish before (with us or another institute) and have a gap of 6 months or more between levels, must undertake a level-test in order for us to determine if their proficiency is appropriate to join this level.

We recommend students to attend a conversation course before or during this course to improve flow of speech. Our instructors are facilitators for participants to learn and practice new vocabulary and grammar structures and active participation coupled with a proactive attitude of the student is very important.

Become an Agent

If you have sucessfully completed all the courses at Instituto Hispania and achieved A2 proficiency in Spanish, you are entitled to become an Agent.

Agents can obtain special financial benefits while registering in higher levels.

Batch Code Course Start/End Date Time Days Action
Batch Code Course Start/End Date Time Days Action
BatchNo-2443 Hispania Cuatro - B1.1 26/08/2024
2:00:00 PM -To- 5:00:00 PM Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu Select
BatchNo-2450 Hispania Cuatro - B1.1 14/09/2024
2:00:00 PM -To- 5:00:00 PM Sun,Sat Select
BatchNo-2452 Hispania Cuatro - B1.1 16/09/2024
10:00:00 AM -To- 1:00:00 PM Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu Select