Instituto Hispania’s theoretical construct has been evolving with time and currently our teaching approach can be described as Communicative Performance in language development. This approach involves not only a grammatical focus but pays attention to those aspects of language learning which provide the student a context in regard to the syntax and morphology of the words and their meaning. The components the student would work on in each class include reading skills, writing skills, listening skills, speaking and understanding and application of grammatical concepts.
All courses are intensive in nature and all have a set syllabus to complete for each level. A student can achieve maximum level of proficiency in minimum span of time and this is possible due to the specific teaching method designed for the Indian student.
The basic objectives of Instituto Hispania’s teaching methodology are:
To provide the students with sufficient information, exposure, practice and experience along with cultural information and values of the second language that would facilitate further study of the language.
At early stages of learning a second language, optimal use is made of those aspects of communicative competence that the student has developed through acquisition and use of their native language and that are common to those in the second language.
The second language learner has the opportunity to take part in the meaningful communicative interaction with highly competent speakers of the language to be able to respond to genuine needs in realistic situations.
The communicative approach is based on and responds to the learners’ communication needs. The primary goal of this approach is to facilitate the integration of grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence and equip the learner with communicative strategies, while not focusing only on one form of competence over others.
Familiarising the learner with colloquial terminology and frequently used expressions in the countries where the language is spoken, thereby preparing the learner with a realistic and culturally accurate context and enhancing linguistic competence across situations.